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Volunteer at the Round Rock Area Serving Center
Our Featured Need of the Month: Food Pantry
- Food Pantry volunteers are needed to take clients through the pantry to select their pantry items, stock the shelves at the beginning of each shift and assist in pantry receiving.
- Come out to an orientation and learn more about how you can get involved, meet new friends and make a lasting impression with our clients. We have a regular need Monday – Friday 9:45 am – 4:15 pm and 8:45 am – 1:15 pm on Saturdays. Groups and individuals welcome to assist in all areas of the pantry.
- Groups are always needed and we would love to book your group to serve today. We have many volunteer options available for your groups and you can learn more about the specific jobs your group can participate in here.

We Need 250+ Volunteers Per Month
Volunteers Help Change Lives
We have been blessed with the most amazing volunteers, some have been offering their service for over 30 years and some have just started last week. Thank you for your generous service and if you have a passion we welcome you to get involved and join us today!
The Serving Center is primarily staffed by 250+ volunteers on a monthly basis and volunteers are always needed. Most of our amazing volunteers work a 3-hour shift and training for all areas is provided. Select from many tasks such as, social work interviewers, client receptionist, phone receptionist, computer refurbishing, cashiers, merchandise pricing, donation receiving, clothing sorters, truck drivers and food pantry volunteers.
*Without adult supervision, please be advised that youth must be 16 years of age or driving age to volunteer without a parent.
Groups Getting Involved
We Need You:
Corporate or company volunteers teams, church groups, student groups, teens, families, students and teams!
The Serving Center provides a meaningful on-site volunteer opportunity for individuals in groups of all ages. Please contact us today to learn more.
Have you ever wanted to host a canned food or donation drive?
Tips to Get Started for a Group Food Drive:
• Select your dates – a two-week period works best
• Select a location to collect the food. The Serving Center loans its food collection barrels for your organization.
• Promote your food drive. The Serving Center shares its logo and flyers.
• Collecting cash is easier than collecting food. The Serving Center stretches cash donations by paying $.11 per pound at the Central Texas Area Food Bank.
• Deliver your food to the Serving Center or schedule a pick up
*Let us know when you are coming to drop off and we’ll give you a tour of the food pantry and our facilities.
Students & Groups Make An Impact
We always have a need for students and groups to get involved.
Have you ever wanted to make a difference at work or school?
The Serving Center needs your help and you can sponsor a food drive or help support one at your local school or workplace.
The Food Pantry – Food Drives Give Back with a Purpose!
The Serving Center food pantry is always in need of food and must rely on the community for donations and supplemental food drives. The Serving Center is a partner agency of the Central Texas Food Bank, which serves 250+ food pantries in Central Texas. The Central Texas Area Food Bank does not have inventory to meet all the needs of the Serving Center food pantry. Therefor, your donations are instrumental in helping our families and keeping our food pantry stocked.
The food pantry processed more than a 1.6 million pounds of food in 2018.
Most Needed Items to Collect/ Shopping List: If you usually stock it in your pantry we can use it!
Daily Pantry Needs:
• Canned vegetables • Canned fruit • Canned soup • Top Ramen • Peanut Butter
• Macaroni ‘n cheese • Canned meat and tuna • Pasta ~ spaghetti, macaroni
• Rice and pinto beans • Cereal • Toilet paper • Diapers
Holiday Food Items: October – December
*box or bag stuffing mix *box mashed potatoes *canned cranberry sauce *canned vegetables *broth *gravy mix. You can also donate dessert items and holiday treats.
The Healthy Pantry Initiative
Fresh food for families is a special food distribution period sponsored by the Central Texas Food Bank and it is held on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursday of each month for qualified clients. This is a great opportunity for volunteer groups, youth groups, businesses, church groups, corporate teams and students. The distribution is conducted outside, volunteers needed from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. – please contact us to book your group for volunteer openings.
New Volunteer Orientation is offered on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 4:00pm and 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month at 1:30pm. No reservation is necessary. Please call 512.244.2431 for more information.
To schedule a corporate group for volunteer service you may contact 512.244.2431

The Volunteer Center
The Volunteer Center is a program of the Round Rock Area Serving Center that connects volunteers and groups to opportunities throughout the county. Our VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY PORTAL helps individuals, groups, troops and families volunteer together.
Individuals of all ages use the Volrock website to learn about volunteer options with over 2000 Non Profits that are active in the county or registered. Students may also search, respond and record volunteer service hours via the portal. Learn more by visiting the website and finding a volunteer match for your needs. The Volunteer Center is here to support you and your group, please contact us for assistance.
The Volunteer Center has 4 Core Programs:
- Williamson County Volunteer Match @
- Round Rock Municipal Volunteers
- Community Service Restitution Program
- Williamson County Nonprofit Agency Support – Williamson Country Non Profit Networking Meeting – Find us on Facebook – 1st Tuesday of every month @ the Baca Center 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. There is no meeting in January or July. The November 2024 meeting will be held the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 11/12/2024, due to the election.
The Volunteer Center also features several signature group volunteer events. We welcome volunteers and groups of all ages and you may register for these events on line by clicking the link below.
- The Family Volunteer Day
- The Non Profit Volunteer Fair
- The Empty Bowls Festival
- Frontier Days – Old Settlers Park
We are located in the Serving Center on the ground floor
Contact Us: 512.733.7625